A Sober Way Home
Prescott Arizona Drug Rehab & Alcohol Recovery Center
Arizona Affordable Drug Alcohol Rehab Centers for Men & Women: A Sober Way Home in Prescott AZ Addiction Treatment Recovery Program for Men and Women.
Arizona Drug Rehab & Alcoholism Recovery Center
At A Sober Way Home in Prescott, Arizona, we provide men and women safe, effective, intensive and expansive therapeutic drug rehab and alcoholism addiction treatment programs in a family-style residential setting that prepares them to remain clean and sober while embracing the benefit of a lifelong 12-Step commitment.
For insurance purposes we are licensed as a residential out-patient rehab program. Chemical dependency is a disease of the mind, body and spirit. A Sober Way Home addresses the whole person with equal diligence for lasting sobriety through our drug rehab and alcohol addiction treatment programs. Click here to view our Young Adult Addiction Treatment Program.
This proven approach provides each client with the best opportunity to achieve successful recovery from addictive disorders, including but not limited to drug addiction and alcoholism, while obtaining the necessary sober life skills that assist one in securing a sober, productive and happy life!
Addiction Recovery at A Sober Way Home in Arizona
A clients' spouse, companion, and other family members are invited to come to A Sober Way Home to help work through and address issues which center around those important relationships for our client. We hold firmly to the belief that family should assume a positive and powerful role in the recovery process; therefore, concentration on reliving a negative past is neither useful nor advisable in treatment of clients. We wholeheartedly welcome those family members who are willing to work with our client to help change present attitudes and behavior patterns that adversely impact interpersonal relationships. This is a most important aspect of drug and alcohol rehabilitation-recovery.
Long Term Experience Treating Drug Addiction
In our long experience in treating addictions, one thing has emerged with absolute clarity: The longer a client remains in the drug rehab & alcoholism recovery environment, the better the chance for lifelong success. We strongly believe that, at minimum, every client requires ninety days of intensive treatment followed by an additional ninety days in a transitional living environment to fully prepare for re-entry into normal, everyday life circumstances. Certain clients will need more, but no one should attempt to do it in less; otherwise, the odds of relapse skyrocket and we have found it far too likely we will see them in our program once again in the future.
A Sober Way Home Ensures Success With Online Aftercare Monitoring
A Sober Way Home helps to ensure our client's sober success, once they complete treatment with The Bridges Network, our state of the art online recovery and aftercare insurance program. This is one more way that we make every effort for our clients to stay connected, and provide an added level of assurance that our clients will continue to enjoy lasting and sober recovery once they return home. Call us today for more information!
If someone you love or know is suffering with addiction to any substance, please call us today. There is a way out, and at the very least you can learn more about what is going on, and the different options available. Thank you for considering A Sober Way Home, we are here for you.
A Sober Way Home
609 W Gurley St
Prescott AZ 86305
Tel: 928 443-1764; 877 917-6237
