Maverick House
Residential Treatment Program
Maverick House is licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services as a Level II Residential Treatment Center and is certified by AHCCCS to accept persons on Medicaid. Treatment services are offered to chemically dependent men and women, pregnant women, as well as dually diagnosed individuals.
Goals Of Treatment
1. Treatment is directed at overcoming the individual's denial regarding the presence and impact of addiction in their lives, enhance treatment acceptance and motivation, work to prevent continued use or relapse, and promote eventual reintegration into the community.
2. To improve the family relationships of the identified client and his/her significant others.
3. To assist the identified client in developing a positive, supportive social support network.
4. To provide Interim Services when necessary, and an ongoing Aftercare Program to consolidate the gains made in treatment.
5. To provide HIV/AIDS education and counseling, and making available testing services for at risk individuals.
6. To provide education about chemical dependency to the identified client and his/her significant others.
Methodologies/Service Components
1. Group, family, and individual counseling.
2. Physical within 72 hours of admission.
3. Family therapy/education program.
4. Ability to assess for mental health and dual diagnosis issues.
5. Continuing Care/Aftercare Program.
6. Onsite and offsite attendance at AA/NA meetings.
7. Ongoing education program providing accurate information about chemical dependency and relapse prevention.
8. Regular plan for drug screens as clinically indicated.
9. HIV, TB, and STD counseling and available testing.
10. Multi-agency service integration and coordination.
11. Provide linkages to step down and other levels of care in the continuum.
12. Recreation Program.
13. Capacity to provide treatment for dually diagnosed individuals.
14. Capacity to provide treatment in situations where the client is involved with methadone or LAMM medications in cases where indicated.
15. Independent Living Skills (ILS).
Maverick House
7022 N 48th Ave
Glendale AZ 85301
Tel: 623 931-5810
Fax: 623 931-1302
