Decision Point Center
Holistic Addiction Treatment Center Holistic Rehab Center
Holistic addiction treatment center, long term addiction treatment center, addiction rehab center
Long Term Treatment For Life Long Recovery
Decision Point Center is a long term addiction treatment center. Our long term drug rehab addiction treatment center is designed to meet the needs of those who continually struggle with Chronic Relapse Behaviors, Substance Abuse Disorders, Process Addictions, Compulsive Behaviors, Mental Health Issues, Co-Dependency, and Trauma Related Issues. Our addiction treatment program is also designed for those who need a continuum of care beyond the traditional 30 day drug rehab addiction treatment center.
We believe Trauma is the core issue of substance abuse disorders, process addictions, compulsive behaviors, co-dependency and chronic relapse behaviors. Over time, these dysfunctional behaviors can become a progressive and fatal disease known as addiction.
Our Holistic Addiction Treatment Program engages the union of mind, body and spirit. We build new lives through adventure therapy, equine therapy, ropes & challenge course therapy, nutrition & wellness therapy along with a full range of traditional, experiential, and integrated therapies with a strong emphasis on trauma resolution, the 12 steps, life skills, social responsibility, and having FUN in recovery which engages a lifelong recovery.
Decision Point Center
505 Whipple St
Prescott AZ 86301
Tel: 877 772-3648
