Copper Canyon Academy
Boarding Schools for Girls in Arizona Girls Boarding Schools
Copper Canyon Academy is an all girl boarding school for troubled girls in Arizona that addresses the unique emotional and social needs of adolescent girls. This boarding school for girls offers an academic program that caters to the learning style of girls. Equestrian assisted psychotherapy and an equine program is available to help troubled girls in this all-female college prep boarding school.
Copper Canyon Academy
3095 Coronado Trail
Rimrock AZ 86335
Tel: 877 617-1222; 928 567-1322
Fax: 928 567-1323
A Private Therapeutic Girls Boarding School
Families today face challenges and struggles that often seem insurmountable. The stress, challenges and difficulty of working with a teenage daughter who is increasingly more and more out of control is one of the most painful experiences a parent can face. Parents frequently blame themselves for the problems their children are facing.
Parents looking for help outside the home often feel uncertain, scared, and many times doubtful about the future. The decision to place a child outside the home is one of stress, tension, and turmoil. Copper Canyon Academy girls boarding school is truly a trailhead to success. We understand your concerns and together we can face the difficult challenge of turning these teens around. The staff at Copper Canyon Academy is comprised of seasoned and well trained professionals experienced at working with adolescents. Copper Canyon Academy boarding schools for girls assists families and gives them the reassurance that there is a wonderful future ahead for their child and family. Copper Canyon Academy is a boarding school for girls with behavioral problems, emotional problems or learning problems. Nestled in a scenic Central Arizona valley Copper Canyon Academy allows junior high and high school young women the opportunity to progress to their fullest potential. We believe that by combining a warm, caring, structured environment, students will develop self-esteem, self-awareness, self-reliance and self management.
About Us
Copper Canyon Academy is a therapeutic boarding school designed by professionals who are experienced working with young women. The administrative staff at CCA is comprised of seasoned veterans in adolescent care. CCA was created out of a love for teenagers and a desire to see them succeed in life. We have created a personalized school that meets the individual needs of each student. We are committed to achieving success with every student who enrolls at CCA and have created the finest program possible to make that happen.
Copper Canyon Academy is a community of warmth, respect, mutual cooperation, friendship, leadership and compassion for all students. The students, teachers, therapists, and staff are a team working together for a common purpose and cause. Each student learns to confront the past and look forward to the future by following a proven trail to success. Copper Canyon Academy focuses on emotional, social, physical, and academic growth.
Copper Canyon Academy is designed to assist young women 14-17 years of age. Students work to develop themselves in the areas of emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and social growth and development. These five areas are developed by participation in the following:
* Fully accredited academic program (college prep based)
* Family oriented, transitional living experience in the community
* Individual Therapy, Group Therapy and Family Therapy
* Optional Therapy: DBT, EMDR, AA Meetings, Ala-Non Meetings
* Student Workshops, Parent Workshops and Family Workshops
* Equine Therapy, Canine Therapy, Equestrian Riding, Choir, Dance and Yoga
* Extensive physical education program, including calisthenics, sports, hiking, and jogging
* Leadership skill building and extensive leadership opportunities
* Competitive sports program: basketball, volleyball, softball and soccer
* Nutritional diet and education
* Outdoor activities
* Community service and interaction
* Social and life skills
1. To provide a school that redirects and enhances the emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and social skills of teenage women.
2. To develop a highly qualified and motivated staff that reflects high self-esteem, individuality, creativity, and leadership.
3. To provide the best therapeutic program designed to reach every student and assist them in building self-esteem, self-confidence, self-awareness, self-reliance, and self-management.
4. To provide a comprehensive academic program that brings students up to and beyond grade level, developing confidence and joy in learning.
5. To create an atmosphere and a curriculum that fosters self-motivation, accountability, and responsibility.
6. To provide an environment where students feel safe, secure, and cared for in an environment designed to create change and new choices.
