Casa de Palmas
Drug Rehab in Tucson, Arizona

Casa de Palmas is an affordable treatment option for women with drug and alcohol dependence in Tucson, Arizona.

Drug Rehab in Tucson, Arizona

Thank you for your interest in Casa de Palmas!

For women seeking recovery from drug and alcohol dependence, Casa de Palmas offers affordable drug abuse treatment – a much-needed alternative to higher-priced drug rehab facilities.

And, although Casa de Palmas is a new drug rehab program, it is an extension of the residential drug treatment services we have offered women with substance-use disorders since 1970.

Our mission and our drug rehab programs are all based on our absolute adherence to “recovery with respect.” We will work with you to meet your physical, psychological and spiritual needs as you transition from substance-dependence to a new life of health and wholeness.

Casa de Palmas
100 S Avenida de Palmas
Tucson AZ 85716
Tel: 520 770-1880; 877 770-1881
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